The Brothers

Abrent, Febert, Yuri and Humbert are part of the Rebellion group The Brothers.

Humbert was a dragon leader of one of their contingents.

Their class of dragons is called Little Greens.  They are small, green dragons, not more than three or four times the size of a man and about half Red’s size.

Little Greens dwelt mostly in the boughs of large trees, nesting like a bird might. Their scales blended well into the leafy canopies of their homes and they were naturally comfortable in that setting. They had special skills that went along with this, including being able to turn brown like a trunk or green like leaves, or even change colors with the leaves. They also had sticky palms and feet, the better for scrambling around the branches of a tree. While small for their kind they were still huge compared with humans. Additionally, when threatened, they could spray a sticky mixture of acid and tree sap from their mouths, disabling enemies.

The Brothers are the human and dragon band who join the Rebellion. They pride themselves on woodcraft, stealth, archery and their knife skills. The men and women who were paired with dragons, thirty of them, were slim and fit. The other twenty humans were support teams, cooks and smaller children.

“The Brothers and their riders landed and then jumped into the trees, some turning brown on trunks and branches, others turning green in the tops of the trees. Within moments, their quick movements from tree to tree turned fluid, looking simply like branches flowing along in an erratic wind.

Humbert took a moment to explain that, for The Brothers, their riders were very much an actual part of them. They acted as partners and helpers, the dragons led themselves and the riders. They were all, as a single group, The Brothers.”

Yuri rides with the human, Barth.

Description of Barth: “She then reached a hand down towards him in time to see him step three feet back from the tree and run up the trunk, springing off about four feet up and easily grasping the branch she’d been helped to. He swung his body like a pendulum, arcing twice through the air, then the third time, he spun fully around the branch. Once over it, he was doing a handstand on top of the high limb. He bent his legs down, touched the branch with his legs and then sprang to yet higher branches. All of this was done with barely a whisper of sound. Crystal looked up into the tree as he climbed higher and higher, jumping, springing, rolling down a branch high above her and then shimmying to the edge of it, directly over the path.”