People, Places

Summary of People and Places and Some Facts From the Book

At the request of readers, I am including a quick summary of places, people and some facts.

I hope you find this of assistance in keeping the story straight. If you’re not careful, it’ll fly away from you.


Pink = bad guy

Green= good guy

Human  Males

Doldrus- evil wizard who ran Lexiter.


Halst- overseer who beat Aresia near the beginning of the book.

Halst and Aresia

Imbrasius- lead bad wizard, lives in Ulkstgrad in Castle Imbrast.

Umitsan- wizard of the slave camp Jos grew up in.

Brast- bully of Compartment 10 of the old Lexiter prison. In Chapter 14 he was spotted as aiding the enemy and Jules tied him up.

Albrest- a Compartment 17 Unit I/C (I/C = an In-Charge, one who is in charge of something), later he was promoted to one of Jules’ commanders).

Brent- young boy who is first introduced at end of Chapter 15.

Gionis- a Compartment 17 Unit I/C, later he was promoted to one of Jules’ commanders.

Halms- Compartment 17 Unit I/C, later he was promoted to one of Jules’ commanders.

Josiah Haberson, aka “Jos”- our ex-slave main character, a leader of The Rebellion.


Julesit, aka “Jules”- leader of Compartment 17 in the Lexiter escape, later he was promoted General of the escaped Lexiter rebels (The Rebellion).

King Argus- the human king at the time the Dragon Moon Spell was first cast.

Lukas- a Compartment 17 Unit I/C, later he was promoted Jules’ Aide-de-camp (assistant to a senior military officer).

Human Females

Aorem- Imbrasius’ love interest who died before he could learn to save her, as described by Klawsan.

Aresia, aka “Res”- Jos’ best friend from slave camp he escaped from.


Blixa- Compartment 17 Unit I/C, later she was promoted to one of Jules’ Commanders.

Crystal- Deputy General of The Rebellion, love interest of Jules.

Ilivia- Jos’ sister who was tortured and killed.

Kendra- Compartment 17 Unit I/C, later she was promoted to one of Jules’ Commanders.

Princess Lisinda- the Human King’s daughter.

Nembloth- evil wizardess.

Dragon Males

Lessiam- our main dragon.

Lessiam and Jos

Krigsly- Lessiam’s buddy- he isn’t in the book beyond a brief mention.

Klawsan- Lessiam’s granddad.


Hilengard- Imbrasius’ friend from childhood, before becoming evil, later worked against Imbrasius.

Heridosus- Dragon Lord when Imbrasius was rising to power.

Dlivus, aka “Dliv”- Sea Dragon of Doldrus’ tower in Lexiter.

Red- Fire Dragon of Doldrus’ tower in Lexiter.

Residamel- leader of the Klylocs.

Reavul- evil dragon of Lexiter.

Galdier- evil dragon of Lexiter.

Dinx- brown dragon with Blacky.

Livert- brown dragon with Blacky.

Falkaw- black lead dragon.

3 dead dragons from Chapter 8. Names are Bilditz (Black one that was killed first), Jeloust (brown one that was killed next) and Kilz (Black one that was killed last).

Dragon Females

Melou- Lessiam’s friend, a blue dragon.

Melou and Lessiam

Specialized terms:

Derklings: Inhabitants of Planet Derkesthai.

Derkesthain: Of, having to do with, Planet Derkesthai.

Dragon Moon Spell: The spell that Imbrasius cast six hundred years ago which will reach its full level of destruction when the next full moon rises over the horizon, described fully in Chapter 11.

Dragon Moon Spell

Klylocs: Twenty-one dragons of Lexiter who had been serving Imbrasius’ purposes, but, upon hearing the truth from Jos, pledged their help to save dragonkind and mankind.

Scalewood Tree: Tree with certain little-known healing properties, name comes from the bark’s resemblance to a dragon’s scales.

The Rebellion: The group fighting the Dragon Moon Spell.  In the beginning, it consists of Lessiam, Jos, the escapees of Lexiter and the Klylocs.


Tlivus- continent where Derkesthai’s story takes place.

In the book, Derksthai, Tlivus is the continent where most of the action happens. This map shows the main locations of events.
Continent Tlivus, Planet Derkesthai

Angel’s Grace- a mountain peak, on the East side of the town of Lexiter.

Derkesthai, a planet.  “Derkesthai” is the Greek base of the word dragon, in Greek it meant “to see.”

Diluthian (River)- Nuasiotte used to flow south into it. Now she dries up well before the Diluthian.

Elevstad- Capital of the continent of Tlivus.

Elinthian Fields- the fields just north of Lake Elinthia.

Fraerburg- a town that Imbrasius’ love (now deceased) lived in.

Illoplisis- slave camp that Jos and Aresia grew up in.

Ilustrade- the cave where Heridosus held court.

Jeridstolt- western peak of the valley of Lexiter.

Klawsan’s cave- some twenty miles NW of Lexiter.

Lexiter- main town of Book One, near Granddad’s cave.

Lake Elinthia- lake just south of Elevstad.

Lonit- the mountain Klawsan lives/lived in.

Mount Klinx- a tall mountain just west of Lonit.

Nostivad- a town several hundred miles north of Klawsan’s home. Imbrasius grew up in this town.

Nuasiotte (River)- Southeast of Lexiter

Smelged- town about two hundred miles north of Lexiter.

Tilidian Mountains- the mountains well west of Lessiam’s awakening. A long range, they extend north of Elevstad.

Notes on the forming Rebellion

There were twenty compartments in the old Lexiter Prison. Each compartment had about 1,200 prisoners. Compartment 17 was the first one to be freed in Book 1. It was led by Jules. He immediately appointed six subordinates to be over the people of the compartment. He called these six people Unit I/Cs (I/C is short for “in-charge,” meaning someone in charge). Jules then was soon appointed as the overall General in charge of all freed prisoners from all compartments, about 24,000 people. At this point Jules had his six Unit I/Cs move up with him as his Commanders and a new command structure went in under him as follows:

General Jules

Deputy General Crystal

Aide-de-camp Lukas

Commanders (each with four of the old compartments assigned to them, about 1,200 people per compartment, 4,800 people under each Commander):

Halms (Commander of what had been Prison Compartments 1-3 & 17)

Gionis (Commander of what had been Prison Compartments 4-6 & 18)

Blixa (Commander of what had been Prison Compartments 7-10)

Kendra (Commander of what had been Prison Compartments 11-13 & 19 )

Albrest (Commander of what had been Prison Compartments 14-16 & 20)

Each Commander then organized up their areas as follows: the found and appointed themselves a deputy to assist them in carrying out their duties. And they each appointed four Section I/Cs who are in charge of 1,200 people who comprised an old compartment. Each Section I/C has five Unit I/Cs in charge of about 240 people each. It breaks down from there to units of five persons as the smallest units.

Notes on Lifespan:

Dragons live to be about 1,100-1,200 years on average. A pre-Quad is a dragon which is less than forty years old. A very old dragon may be as old as 1,800 years, not much older though really. Age scale:

1-10 human kid, 1-40 for dragons

10-20 human growth, 40-100 for dragons

20-50 human middle age, 100-650 for dragons

50-70 human “getting there,” 650-900, getting there for a dragon.

70-95 human is old, 900-1,100 a dragon is old

100- human dead, 1,100-1,200 most dragons die by then.

Notes on the Derkesthain Moon:

The moon takes 27 1/3rd days to complete its entire cycle in relation to Derkesthai. To Derklings it appears to be 29 ½ days due to Derkesthai’s movement. The moon rises an average of :50 minutes later each night. A new moon is completely dark, then you get a crescent moon, then a first quarter moon then a gibbous moon, thena full moon, then a gibbous moon, then a last quarter moon, then a crescent moon, then a new moon.

0- nothing, it starts first in the West, close behind the setting sun. Then progressively moves eastward. For our book, this is September 2nd.

3- crescent-

7- first quarter

10- gibbous moon

14.75- full- rises East in the early evening. This moon nearest the Autumn Equinox is called a the harvest moon and rises with the least delay of all. This is when the Dragon Moon Spell will be complete, Sept.16th.

17- gibbous moon

20- last quarter.

24- crescent- waning crescent rises just before dawn.

29- nothing

The author,  Dan O’Connor, would be happy to hear from you.

The illustrator, Linda Carol Nelson, would also be happy to hear from you.